Networking: Increase your network of personal and professional contacts.
Education: Learn about other Kingston East businesses and how they might enhance your business, and attend meetings with special guest speakers.
Collaboration: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller
Promotion and Exposure: Communicate with existing and potential customers, and introduce them to the unique benefits of your products and services.
The right to run for executive position
A single vote
Numerous Networking events
Online promotion through website and facebook
Educational opportunities and events
Free booth at KEBA events, including Party in the Park
Christmas/Holiday party for member and staff
Complete our membership form to apply for membership by clicking here.
For more information on membership, contact Tammy Scouton: (613) 484-4163 or Alana Todd: (613) 507-5868 email: or use our online contact form by clicking here.
Copyright © 2015 Kingston East Business Association.
Website maintenance by BHG Designs.